How to Get The Best Backlinks for Your Website?

May 09, 2024
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Feeling overwhelmed while building your website? A well-crafted website design outline is the key to success. Many of us face the challenge of a blank screen, unsure where to begin or how to organise numerous ideas.

A website design outline provides clarity and structure, streamlining the design and development process. Whether you’re a DIY builder, a professional designer, or a content creator, having a well-planned website design outline is crucial for creating an effective site. The guide below can help you make a website design outline better and include the:

  • What is a Website Design Outline?
  • Importance of a Website Design Outline
  • How to Make a Website Design Outline?
  • Additional Considerations for a Stand-Out Website
  • General Principles for a Website Design Outline
  • ...


What is a Website Design Outline?

A website design outline is like a blueprint for your website. It's a simple plan that helps you visualize and organize everything that will be on your site, from text and images to buttons and menus. This plan ensures your website is not only easy to use but also achieves the goals you have for it.

Here's how a website design outline benefits different people involved in creating the site:

  • For do-it-yourself website builders: An outline provides clear steps to follow, like a roadmap. This keeps you on track and avoids confusion as you build your website yourself.
  • For designers and web developers: A detailed website design outline acts as a comprehensive guide. It saves them time by outlining the website's structure and functionalities upfront, minimizing the need for rework later on.
  • For content creators: The website design outline helps them organize their writing effectively. By understanding the overall structure and layout of the website, content creators can tailor their writing to fit seamlessly into the designated sections. This ensures a cohesive user experience where content and design work together smoothly.


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How to Make a Website Design Outline?

To make a great outline for your website design, follow the steps below:

1. Goal Setting

Start by setting clear goals for your website. What do you want visitors to do after they arrive? Do you want them to buy something, sign up for a service, learn more about your company, or something else?

Knowing your goals from the beginning will help you make every decision about your website design. This is the first step in creating a strong website design outline.

2. Know Your Audience

The next step in a website design outline starts with understanding your target audience. This means knowing things like their age, interests, what problems they face, and how they use the internet. When you know this, you can create a website that speaks directly to them and makes their experience enjoyable.

To learn about your audience, you can do some research:

  • Market research: This involves gathering information about your industry and potential customers.
  • Competitor analysis: Look at websites of businesses similar to yours. See what they do well and what you can improve on.
  • Buyer personas: Create fictional profiles that represent your ideal customer. This helps you understand their needs and wants.

3. Understanding Your Competitors

Take some time to look at the websites of businesses similar to yours. This includes both direct competitors who offer the same products or services and indirect competitors who target the same audience with a slightly different approach.

By analyzing their websites, you can identify elements that seem to be working well and areas where they could improve. Pay close attention to how they structure their navigation, organize their content, and encourage visitors to take action (through calls to action or CTAs).

Additionally, consider the overall user experience – is the website easy and enjoyable to use? This research will give you valuable insights into what works within your industry and how you can create a website design outline that sets your website apart from the competition.

4. Building a Clear Structure and Navigation

A strong website design outline can be stronger with a well-defined structure and navigation system. This forms the foundation for a user-friendly website that achieves your goals.

Organize Your Website with a Website Outline

Create a website outline, also known as a sitemap, that visually shows the hierarchy of your website's main pages and subpages. This ensures a logical flow that's easy for visitors to understand.

Plan for Simple Navigation

Design clear and intuitive navigation for your website. Use menus and categories that are easy to identify, allowing visitors to find what they're looking for quickly. For websites with a lot of content, consider user-friendly options like mega menus or dropdown menus.

Map the User's Journey

Think about the ideal path you want users to take on your website, from the moment they land on your homepage to the desired action, such as filling out a contact form or making a purchase. By mapping this user journey, you can prioritize where to place your content, calls to action (CTAs), and internal links to optimize conversions.

5. Content Planning

Define specific Content for Each Page

Brainstorm what information each page should contain, considering what your target audience needs and what you want them to achieve on your website.

For example, an online store might prioritize detailed product descriptions with high-quality images, while a blog focused on industry expertise would benefit from in-depth articles supported by data.

Organize Content for Readability

Structure your content logically using clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points. This improves readability and guides users through the information easily.

Establish a Consistent Voice and Tone

Decide on the overall personality of your website's content. Will it be formal, casual, informative, or persuasive? A consistent voice and tone build trust and help visitors recognize your brand.

6. Wireframing and Design Considerations

Wireframing the Basics

Instead of getting caught up in visual details, create simple mockups, focusing on how users will navigate your website. This allows you to experiment with different layouts and prioritize where you place your content for optimal flow.

Visually Appealing Design

While creating your website design outline, consider colours, fonts, images, and spacing to ensure a visually attractive and user-friendly website. Think clean and uncluttered, reflecting your brand identity without overwhelming visitors.

Responsive Design for All Devices

No matter how users access your website, whether on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone, they should have a smooth and positive experience. A responsive design ensures your website looks and functions perfectly across all devices.

7. SEO Optimisation

Keyword Research

Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords your target audience is searching for. Integrate these keywords throughout your website’s content (without keyword stuffing) to improve search engine ranking and organic traffic.

Compelling Meta Descriptions

Craft compelling meta descriptions for each page, summarising content and enticing users to click on your website in search results.

Image Optimisation

Optimise image file sizes and include relevant alt tags to improve website loading speed and accessibility. Search engines also consider image content when ranking websites.


General Principles for a Website Design Outline

A well-designed website is like a well-organized house - everything has its place and is easy to find. But before you can build that beautiful website, you need a blueprint: a website outline. This outline will act as a roadmap, guiding you through the content and structure of your site.

Step 1: Brainstorm Everything!

Jot down everything you want your website to include. Don't hold back or filter your ideas yet. This is a free-flowing exercise to capture all the possibilities. Imagine you're explaining your dream website to a friend – what sections would you want them to see? What information would you want them to find easily? Write down every thought, big or small.

Step 2: Group Similar Ideas Together

Take a look at your brainstorming list. Now it's time to bring order to the chaos! Sort through your ideas and group related ones together. These groupings will become the main sections, or categories, that will structure your website. For instance, if you're building a website for a bakery, you might have groups for "Our Breads," "Pastries," and "Cakes." Within these categories, you can have even more specific sub-sections. For example, the "Our Breads" section could have sub-sections for sourdough, baguettes, and whole wheat options.

Step 3: Visualize Your Website with a Blueprint

With your ideas organized, it's time to see how they will fit together on your website. Here's where a website outline, also known as a sitemap, comes in. This is a simple visual representation of your website's structure, showing the main pages and how they connect.

Think of it like a blueprint for your website. Aim for a sitemap with a maximum of 3 levels: main pages, sub-pages, and maybe a sub-sub-page for very specific content. This will ensure your website is easy for visitors to navigate and find what they're looking for quickly


Case of Site Plan Outlines

Website Layout for eCommerce

  • Home Page
  • Products List
  • Product Categories
  • Products
  • Checkout Pages
  • Services
  • Shipping
  • About Us
  • Contact
  • Terms of Benefit and Security Policy

Website Layout for Counseling Services

  • Home Page
  • About Us
  • Expertise
  • Services
  • Consulting
  • Testimonials
  • Contact

Website Design Layout

Your site’s structure gives you a skeleton portrait of your location. It makes a difference if you know the number of columns you require. Start with your landing page, as it is the to begin with put that your location guests are likely to visit.

Homepage/Landing Page

The landing page decides whether clients will spend more time on your location. The format makes a difference and makes the client route easy.

Above the Fold:

  • Logo
  • Headline
  • Sub-headline
  • Navigation bar
  • Primary CTA (Call to Action)

Below the Fold:

  • Events
  • Blog articles
  • Industry trends
  • Trust indicators
  • Press coverage
  • Location information
  • Benefits and/or features


List the highlights you need on your location. These may include:

  • CTA
  • Blog
  • FAQs
  • Forum
  • Gallery
  • Security
  • Newsletter
  • Comments
  • Testimonials
  • Lead magnet
  • Sign up/Login
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment processing
  • Social media - share buttons/links


Style Guide for Web Design Outline

Style guides are fundamental to keeping up the structure and making a steady client encounter over different gadgets. Benefits incorporate making a common dialect, making testing simpler, sparing time, and serving as a valuable reference.


  • Lists
  • Buttons
  • Headers
  • Paragraphs
  • Responsiveness
  • Links - active/inactive/hovering
  • Background - white/black/brand colours


List the assets you will require to accomplish the usefulness you proposed. These may include:

  • Icons
  • Fonts
  • Videos
  • Testimonials/Reviews
  • Illustrations and graphics
  • Marketing duplicate - white papers, press releases
  • Images and their sources - company photos/stock


Decide the route based on your location structure, page format, and highlights. It can be best, foot, side, or middle. It can moreover be settled (inactive) or sticky.

Navigation Options

  • Top navigation
  • Fixed beat navigation
  • Static sidebar navigation
  • Static foot navigation


Additional Considerations for a Stand-Out Website


Ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes implementing features like screen reader compatibility, clear navigation, and proper colour contrast.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

Clearly define what you want users to do after visiting your website. Craft compelling CTAs that are strategically placed throughout your website, guiding users towards conversions (e.g., contact forms, newsletter sign-ups, product purchases).

Analytics and Measuring Success

Integrate website analytics tools to track user behaviour and identify areas for improvement. Regularly analyse data to understand what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to continually optimise your website for better results.



Using a website design outline improves SEO, enhances user experience, streamlines project management, and ensures a cohesive and organised website.

By following these guidelines and utilising the resources provided, you can create a successful and effective website design outline.

Frequently asked questions
01. What is the definition of web design?
02. What do you need to effectively prepare for a website design?
03. What is SEO-friendly web design?
04. How is a professional and high-end website design?
05. How much does it cost to design a website at CanhCam?
06. Is there a contract for website design service?
Holding a leadership role in the company, I aspire to fulfill the mission of bringing bespoke website solutions to empower businesses to thrive in the digital age, fostering both operational effectiveness and competitive advantage, ultimately contributing to sustainble business growth and success.
Mr Hua Thien Vuong
Co-Founder & CEO