News Website Design: Everything you need to know about news websites

Dec 26, 2023
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News website design is a means for businesses, organizations, and individuals to enhance brand promotion to the public. Furthermore, the website provides useful information and is a way for your business to contribute to the community and society.


The Importance of News Website Design

Designing a News website is essential for businesses because of the following important benefits:

  • Brand Promotion: All types of websites, including news websites, help promote the brand and image of the business to a wide audience. Websites are not limited by space and time.
  • Reaching Potential Customers: News websites, especially specialized ones, attract potential customers. Visitors to these websites are often interested in the content, making them valuable for businesses.
  • Advertising Opportunities: Website administrators can consider renting ad space on their websites when they have high and consistent traffic. News websites often offer ad placements for services, company logos, and business PR.
  • Social Benefits: News websites serve as a channel for users to access social news quickly and easily. Therefore, designing a new website not only brings economic benefits but also contributes to societal benefits. However, responsibility for accurate and honest information dissemination and compliance with legal regulations on information and media are crucial.
News website design
A well-designed news website adapts to various devices.


Types of News Websites

When designing a website, you can choose from the following types:

Specialized Industry Websites

When designing a news website, you can design a specialized website to post and update news about a specific field that you specialize in and pursue but does not update news widely and diversely like a general website.

There are two basic types of news websites: specialized industry websites and multi-industry, multi-field websites.

Specialized Industry Websites: Some well-known platforms focus on specific industries. For instance, some websites specialize in real estate news, such as, while specializes in fashion magazines. Others cater to entrepreneurs, like, and focus on technology news, as seen on

Multi-Industry, Multi-Field Websites

In contrast, multi-industry websites are information hubs that offer a wide range of diverse content daily. These websites continuously provide a variety of topics, including lifestyle, economy, culture, politics, society, travel, entertainment, and more, allowing users to choose the topics they are interested in. Multi-industry, multi-field websites provide diverse information to readers. 

These news websites are often online newspapers or digital information platforms, such as,...The choice between these website types depends on the specific needs and focus of the business or organization. Web design companies select different techniques to optimize the rapid and efficient publication and management of new content, depending on the type of website being built.


Features of a News Website Design

  • Display the most "highlighted" or "hot" news articles, the latest, and the most interesting for readers to click on.
  • Present a list of articles categorized by specific topics.
  • Organize the layout in a user-friendly, visually appealing, and easily navigable manner.
  • Use the website's brand colours to make it attractive.
  • Utilize banner rotation technology using JavaScript.
  • Set up content modules and the main module that can be easily turned on/off or have menu names changed in the admin interface.
Introduction to the News Website
  • Display an overview of the news website.
  • Clearly state the website's goals, vision, and mission.
  • Flexibly combine text, images, or videos in the content.
  • There should be no restrictions on categorization.
  • Divide news into various categories based on topic.
  • Offer features for adding, removing, editing, and deleting content on the page.
  • Support sorting news by new, old, and paginating.
  • Provide the ability to download news articles as Word files and share them on social media platforms.
  • Classify news based on tags.
  • Display the date and time of posting for each news article.
  • Include a comment section below the news articles.
  • The website should divide news into several sections for users to easily follow
Advertising Banners
  • Display advertising banners in different locations on the page.
  • Allow flexibility in banner sizes.
  • Enable users to open links when clicking on banners.
  • User Opinion Polls
  • Implement a feature for conducting user opinion polls on the website.
  • Create customer feedback forms to gather suggestions for website improvements.
  • Provide statistics on the total number of website visits per day, week, or month.
  • Track various metrics for each article, such as the number of comments and shares on social media platforms like Facebook and Zalo.
Contact Information
  • Display complete contact information for the business.
  • Include a support and feedback form.
  • Show specific news categories and contact information at the footer of the page.
  • Hotline to support readers and collaborators.
  • User-Friendly and Attractive Design.
Community Sharing
  • Integrate Like and Share buttons for easy content sharing within the community.

Search Functionality

  • Implement a quick search feature using relevant keywords related to articles on the website.
  • Offer advanced search options through news categories.

Website Administration

  • Enable user account creation, login, logout, and password changes.
  • Manage all content on the website
  • Track and analyze website activities.
  • Ensure the interface is in the Vietnamese language and user-friendly.
  • Use a content editor similar to Microsoft Office Word.
  • Easy content creation in Word and copying it to the website's editor.


News Websites Suitable for Which Organizations?

  • Government agencies and organizations looking to provide news to internet users.
  • Businesses aim to communicate and attract the attention of their target customers online.
  • Organizations and individuals wishing to create news websites for business and profit purposes.


news website design
Every website should have a homepage. 


News Website Design, Increasing Conversion Rate at CanhCam

In the current market, there are many professional news website design services available. Among them, CanhCam is a reputable company that specializes in designing a variety of website types, including news websites, business websites, and e-commerce websites. Our advantages are evident in each type of website we create:

news website design
CanhCam provides professional website design services.


1. Branding for Business: CanhCam specializes in creating distinctive and unique designs for business websites. We focus on bringing out the essence and individuality of each business. Our advantage lies in how we "brand" our customers' brands online. 
This includes the use of images, videos, and content layout specific to the industry.

We ensure that the content is organized correctly on the homepage, showcasing a business's strengths to support brand development and future communication efforts. CanhCam not only provides websites but also enhances the online brand value of our clients.

2. E-commerce Solutions: Unlike many smaller web design services that often offer pre-made themes, CanhCam provides a comprehensive website with a well-structured management system suitable for businesses of all sizes. Our websites are designed to simplify order processing, promotions, and flash sales for various campaigns. We also integrate separate CRM and ERP platforms, creating a mini online superstore.


News Website Design Process at CanhCam

Step 1: Project Discussion

CanhCam's team takes the time to assess the client's objectives and requirements. They establish KPI goals and analyze communication channels, competitive competitors, target customers, and user interactions.

Step 2: Planning

The project team at CanhCam collaborates with the client to plan the website design. They share project-related information and anticipate risks. The plan includes content development, user interface design, information categorization, and solution systems.

Step 3: Web Design

CanhCam proactively researches user behaviour to create a website with a fresh design that breaks traditional rules while maintaining a strong focus on user experience and user interface, making the business stand out and differentiate itself.

CanhCam follows a professional and comprehensive website design process

Step 4: Programming

In this step, the preliminary ideas are transformed into reality. CanhCam's development team creates the web core using the latest platforms to simplify website management.

Step 5: Content Creation

Depending on the client's requirements, CanhCam formulates a content strategy for the news website. Creating impressive, understandable, and relatable content that aligns with the set objectives is crucial for increasing organic website views.

Step 6: Official Launch

At this stage, the website is almost complete and ready for official operation. CanhCam ensures that all infrastructure elements, including the domain, server, source code packages, and backups, are prepared meticulously. The final step is to make the website live to monitor and measure its effectiveness.



Today, website design for news is an essential element that helps businesses, organizations, individuals, etc., effectively promote their brand and deliver more value to the community and society. If you need web design services, please contact CanhCam for support and consultation in choosing the most suitable design package.

Frequently asked questions
01. What is the definition of web design?
02. What do you need to effectively prepare for a website design?
03. What is SEO-friendly web design?
04. How is a professional and high-end website design?
05. How much does it cost to design a website at CanhCam?
06. Is there a contract for website design service?
Holding a leadership role in the company, I aspire to fulfill the mission of bringing bespoke website solutions to empower businesses to thrive in the digital age, fostering both operational effectiveness and competitive advantage, ultimately contributing to sustainble business growth and success.
Mr Hua Thien Vuong
Co-Founder & CEO